Thursday, December 23, 2010

Antarctica - Day 7 - Cierva Cove and Mikkelsen Harbour

Position: Lat. 63° 54’S, Long. 60° 47’W Speed: At anchor Course: At anchor Barometer: 977.3 hPa falling  Wind: up to 30 knots! Air temperature: 1°C Sea temperature: 0.4°C

They are extraordinarily like children, these little people of the Antarctic world, either like children, or like old men, full of their own importance and late for dinner, in their black tail- coats and white shirt fronts—and rather portly withal.  —Apsley Cherry-Garrard, The Worst Journey in the World 

Thursday, 23 December 2010 
Several of us can see whales in the distance, flukes visible as they play around.  About three in all, possibly more – humpbacks. A scurry to our cabins to prepare for an excursion to shore. Our Zodiac guides showed us many wonderful sights, firstly a lone penguin on his own special iceberg. Mario said “Whale!”.  The search was on, possibly a minke playing about 200 metres away. We caught up and had a chance to photograph him when he decided to surface. Onward to visit Cierva Cove, where we spotted a Weddell seal having a lovely sleep on the ice. We wandered around amongst icebergs, and just before returning to warmth of the ship, 

Cameras ready and Zodiac ready. We eagerly awaited the 14 brave souls who had decided to take the polar plunge. Each diver demonstrated their own special style as they dived and jumped and slipped into the 1°C icy Antarctic waters... not us... shiver, shiver. They weren't in long and set a record getting from the deck to the sauna room to warm up. Well done!

The outlook was bleak, windy, cold and there was light snow. Suddenly there was a humpback, or two or three; one breeches far above the surface of the water; choreographing the ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ from those remaining on the bridge. 

What a great day we have had, and so to bed, cuddle in and enjoy the gentle roll that puts us to sleep.

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