Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hop On - Hop Off

What an easy way to see so much of a big strange city, and to get your bearings. But before we could get the bus I had an unhappy start to my day. I broke my glasses which I depend on completely, only to find the case containing my sunglasses and spare glasses has been stolen from my handbag ... It must have happened yesterday afternoon on our walk home.  Luckily a very helpful lady at the optometrist nearby found the cheapest frames she could to pop my lenses into and I am able to see.  I sure hope my travel insurance will come to the party for my sunglasses, they were good ones.

Once on the bus we drove along the marina and old port, the vast sandy beaches and then turned towards the highlight of the tour La Sagrada Familia, the great unfinished cathedral of  Gaudi. It has to be one of the wonders of the world, and I sure hope I am alive to see the finished result in all its glory, because the unfinished temple is extraordinary. If possible, the interior is more awe inspiring than the exterior, and you can see the magnificent interpretation of nature in stone and light.  We spent our time there wandering around with an audio guide and marvelling at the foresight and ingenuity of the design, and of the skills of all the sculptors and trades that have put this unique and beautiful building together.

The rest of the bus trip served to also reinforce what an insignificant cog in the human wheel we each are.  Streets after street, mile after mile was filled with shops and people, a moving tide of people in every direction calmly going about their shopping and sight seeing. It is so hard to describe the scene of so many people hour after hour street after street, especially to someone from our own country where we are privileged with so much space for our population.

We lunched in a cafe on La Rambla and were served the biggest  jugs of beer and sangria I have ever seen. Tapas and pasta and a stroll around the waterfront before ending our day back in the quiet sanctuary of our hotel room. Another tiring but amazing day.

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