The highlight today was crossing the Arctic Circle. The rain cleared and a teary sun poked through for about 30 minutes, perfect timing for us to be out on deck and observe the beautiful steel globe structure that has been erected on the rock that marks the exact line. Of course a little fun was to be had with that and Max took part in a ceremony to mark the occasion where he ended up drinking a spoonful of cod liver oil and won himself an engraved 'silver' spoon as a souvenir.
My lens has broken... Irretrievably, and trying to find a new lens reading Norwegian websites is pretty difficult if you don't speak the language. Luckily a fellow photography enthusiast nearby has helped me interpret what I need to know and I should be able to buy a new (and better) lens to replace this one. Hopefully my travel insurance will cover the old lens and will offset the cost a bit when I get home.
The sky cleared for an hour or two to reveal a change in scenery. The Gulf Stream sweeps along this part of the coast and the snow is only to be seen higher up the mountain slopes, grass and trees still with leaves appear on small areas of farmland where people raise sheep. No lights tonight, the clouds are back. Our last chance tomorrow night, thank goodness we saw them on our first night, how lucky we were.
It is great to read your blogs Glenda. I cannot wait to see the photos when you get the opportunity. It must be as though you are in a truly other world from here in Australia. Survived the cyclone - only rain, rain and more rain. Not enough to stop Craig and family coming down to join us for the weekend at Iluka. Plenty of fun had by all.